STBP- Branch pipe galvanized

Branch pipe STBP is manufactured in welded galvanised design, with straight edges. The branch is 45°. Fitted in a high vacuum system with PICO coupling.

Branch pipe STBP is manufactured in welded galvanised design, with straight edges. The branch is 45°. Fitted in a high vacuum system with PICO coupling.

Art Nr Description Ø (mm) B (mm) L1 (mm) L2 (mm) L3 (mm) T (mm) Stock*
STBP-050-050 Steel branch pipe 45° 50 50 300 155 110 1,5
STBP-063-050 Steel branch pipe 45° 63 50 300 155 110 1,5
STBP-063-063 Steel branch pipe 45° 63 63 300 155 105 1,5
STBP-076-050 Steel branch pipe 45° 76 50 300 155 110 1,5
STBP-076-063 Steel branch pipe 45° 76 63 300 155 110 1,5
STBP-076-076 Steel branch pipe 45° 76 76 400 155 110 1,5
STBP-089-089 Steel branch pipe 45° 89 89 400 230 120 1,5
STBP-102-050 Steel branch pipe 45° 102 50 400 220 161 2
STBP-102-063 Steel branch pipe 45° 102 63 400 220 116 2
STBP-102-076 Steel branch pipe 45° 102 76 400 220 116 2
STBP-102-102 Steel branch pipe 45° 102 102 400 220 114 2
STBP-108-050 Steel branch pipe 45° 108 50 400 220 160 2
STBP-108-063 Steel branch pipe 45° 108 63 400 220 160 2
STBP-108-076 Steel branch pipe 45° 108 76 400 220 115 2
STBP-108-102 Steel branch pipe 45° 108 102 400 226 112 2
STBP-108-108 Steel branch pipe 45° 108 108 400 230 115 2
STBP-114-114 Steel branch pipe 45° 114 114 400 230 120 2
STBP-127-050 Steel branch pipe 45° 127 50 400 212 126 2
STBP-127-063 Steel branch pipe 45° 127 63 400 220 128 2
STBP-127-076 Steel branch pipe 45° 127 76 400 220 128 2
STBP-127-102 Steel branch pipe 45° 127 102 400 230 127 2
STBP-127-108 Steel branch pipe 45° 127 108 400 230 122 2
STBP-127-127 Steel branch pipe 45° 127 127 400 235 124 2
STBP-152-050 Steel branch pipe 45° 152 50 500 265 195 2
STBP-152-063 Steel branch pipe 45° 152 63 500 265 196 2
STBP-152-076 Steel branch pipe 45° 152 76 500 270 187 2
STBP-152-102 Steel branch pipe 45° 152 102 500 270 192 2
STBP-152-108 Steel branch pipe 45° 152 108 500 270 187 2
STBP-152-127 Steel branch pipe 45° 152 127 500 285 174 2
STBP-152-152 Steel branch pipe 45° 152 152 500 295 156 2
STBP-203-127 Steel branch pipe 45° 203 127 600 365 200 2
STBP-203-152 Steel branch pipe 45° 203 152 600 365 200 2
STBP-203-203 Steel branch pipe 45° 203 203 600 365 200 2
STBP-203-050 Steel branch pipe 45° 203 50 600 363 200 2
STBP-203-076 Steel branch pipe 45° 203 76 600 359 200 2
STBP-203-063 Steel branch pipe 45° 203 63 600 363 196 2

* Filled circle = stock standard